
Category: Dollhouses (Page 1 of 28)

Dog vignette — preparing the box

When I bought the shadow box from PinkSeagullDesigns, I had an option to get it painted or unpainted. The painted ones looked nice and I would have liked to save myself some time, but none of the colors offered were quite what I had in mind, so I got the unpainted one. I unscrewed the […]

Dog vignette — first steps

When I ordered my miniature dogs from Lucy Francis, I sent her reference photos and measurements for Daisy (as best I was able to get them on a wiggly puppy, without Geoff’s help) and some I had for Rosy from when my sister knit her a sweater years ago. The dogs’ sizes came out good […]

Rosy & Daisy — a Christmas roombox

Squeezing in one last post for 2024! The blog has been neglected lately because I have been hard at work on a secret project. I surprised Geoff with this roombox for Christmas. I’ve been wanting to make this vignette since our sweet girl Rosy died last year at the age of fifteen. Not long after […]

Etsy roulette

Sometimes instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, I stay up late scrolling through eBay and Etsy looking for interesting half scale stuff. The best finds are the ones where the seller doesn’t know what they have. Last week I randomly searched Etsy for “1:24 window” because once like two years ago there […]

Recent half scale finds

Today’s post is a mishmash. In the past few weeks I’ve made a few great purchases and I want to show them off. First up, we have the Sugar and Tea canisters that match Momma’s Kitchen! I’m so excited to have found these. I got an email from Diane Siegler, who reads my blog, saying […]

Momma’s Kitchen cabinets & flooring

Haven’t been mini-ing much lately, but here’s some progress on Momma’s Kitchen. The walls got a few coats of the yellow paint that came with the kit. I found an off-white on my paint shelf that’s close to the cabinet color, and used it in the area that shows through behind the glass cabinet doors. […]

Momma’s Kitchen by the Guys from Texas

Back in 2006, I took a class with the Jon Fish and Larry Osborn, aka the Guys from Texas, at a (now closed) store named The Miniature Scene. They were offering two workshops while they were in town: a 1:12 Craftsman roombox named Oak Shadow, and a 1:24 kitchen roombox in a flour canister named […]

Mansard Victorian bathroom – false wall and ceiling

The Mansard Victorian’s upstairs ceilings look lower than they are, due to a 5/8″ strip underneath the roof trim that hangs down over the top of the rooms. Originally I thought about putting flourette bulbs or LEDs behind that trim piece, since they’d be hidden, but instead decided to take advantage of that space to […]

Bauder-Pine pickle crock, and other crockery

Last week I was browsing the Miniature Designs website and happened upon this Bauder-Pine pickle crock. Of course, I had to have it for my Mansard Victorian. Shipping was steep for such a tiny thing, so I threw some wallpaper and strip wood in the cart to qualify for free shipping. I reached out to […]

Kitbashed built-in linen closet

My Mansard Victorian didn’t come with any door holes in the walls. Since it’s a front-opening house, I decided to add false walls with doors along the back wall, to give the illusion that there’s a hallway there. The false wall gives me an opportunity to add a built-in linen closet to the bathroom. I […]

A new Bauder-Pine bed

This week I stumbled upon a Bauder-Pine bed for $17 plus free shipping. Of course I bought it. It’s signed J McC — Jayne McCormick. Since I already have a Bauder-Pine bed for the Mansard Victorian’s downstairs bedroom, I’ll use this one in the attic bedroom. The light green bedding would have gone nicely with […]

Subway tile backsplash (part 2)

Picking up from my last post, I continued the subway tiles until I reached the bottom of the cabinets. My kitbashed cabinets aren’t quite square and there’s a bigger gap under the right cabinet than the left. I thought maybe I could shove the cabinet bottoms up against the top edge of the tiles, but […]

Subway tile backsplash (part 1)

This post has been a long time coming. I’ve been puttering around on the Mansard Victorian’s kitchen backsplash ever since I finished the countertop in January. First I glued in the kitchen wallpaper. I prepared this scrapbook paper last fall when I started the kitchen (yikes, has it been that long?) but then I put […]

The estate sale Amberwood

I visited family in Boston right before Christmas. A few weeks before the trip, I searched for dollhouses on Boston Craigslist, just in case… and I lucked out! I wish I had saved the pictures because the post is long gone now, but it was an estate sale where someone was selling off a miniature […]

Tile kitchen countertop

The next step in the Mansard Victorian’s kitchen is the countertops. Looking back at the inspiration picture, the countertop is white tile with a black border. The backsplash is subway tile, but you can’t tell in this picture what the countertop tile looks like. I found a picture of another kitchen with a similar countertop. […]

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