
Tag: Shingles

Craftsman bungalow porch roof

Moving right along on the Craftsman bungalow, the triangular front of the porch roof doesn’t fit snugly under the roof pieces. I could resolve this by adjusting the left side of the roof (which isn’t glued in yet) to meet the angle of the triangle, but then the roof pieces wouldn’t meet up at the […]

Craftsman bungalow vignette — roof & shingles

Last week I posted about wallpaper and wainscot in the Craftsman bungalow. I’ve been working on the roof and shingles in parallel. The last thing I did before putting the bungalow aside for a year was to glue on the roof. At the time, it looked like this. And this is what I’m working toward. […]

Turret House – finishing the shingles

When I bought the Turret House, it was already shingled except for the left side of the small gable. The builder had marked off rows 3/8″ apart and left instructions to “leave space” at the left side and overhang the shingles by 1/8″ at the right side. The house came with a spacer for the […]

Victorianna shingles complete

Here’s another post that’s been a long time coming! I started shingling the Victorianna back in October 2018. I’m using Greenleaf’s octagon speed shingle strips, with a couple of rows of diamond shingles mixed in. (Speaking of Greenleaf, after a much longer than anticipated delay for maintenance, their forum is back up!) Here’s where I […]

Victorianna shingles

You’d think that having just finished the Rowhouse shingles I wouldn’t be itching to shingle another dollhouse — and you’d be right! — but the roof is one of the last remaining tasks on the Victorianna, and I want to get this house finished. To refresh your memory, here’s the outside of the house: The […]

Rowhouse shingles

I started this blog post on March 16, 2013 — that’s when I started shingling the Queen Anne Rowhouse — and it’s been sitting as a draft for 2,004 days. But not anymore, because the roof is finished! I used hexagonal shingles that came with the Greenleaf Fairfield. I really liked them on the Fairfield […]

Gull Bay – shingles and roof trim complete

With the Gull Bay’s chimneys in, I was able to finish shingling the front of the house. The seam where the shingles meet is, well, not perfect. Also the rows get kind of crookedy near the top. Eh, I did my best. (Or maybe not my best, but the best I felt like doing. Shingling […]

Gull Bay – more wallpaper and shingles

The Gull Bay has been sitting for a while, and before that I made some progress that I never blogged about. I pulled the house out again last weekend so now need to play catch-up on the blog. For starters, the wallpaper is now finished. I’m papering this house with white scrapbook paper, since the […]

Gull Bay shingles

A few weeks ago, when Geoff helped me cut holes for the dormers I’m adding to the Gull Bay, I had him cut rectangles. The Houseworks front-opening Victorian, which I have in my stash, uses the same kind of dormer and it comes with a rectangular hole, so I figured that was the way to […]

Little House Cabin – shingles

Shingling was the last big job to do on the cabin. When I glued the skinny sticks to the inside of the roof, something got off kilter so the roof wouldn’t glue on straight. Oops. The porch roof is supposed to attach to the front of the roof at a 45-degree angle. I glued a […]

Rosedale shingles

The Rosedale is shingled! I used Greenleaf’s diamond shaped speed strips. I needed about two and a half packages. I stained them with Cabot semi-transparent Mission Brown stain that we had a sample jar of (Geoff bought it for a house project and didn’t like it). My first step was to cut strip wood to […]

Shingles complete (mostly)

The front and back roofs and gable are shingled. I still have to do the porch roof but that requires building the porch first. I also repainted the windows and doors with a Glidden shade named Sandy Feet, and I’m much happier with it! The shingles turned out surprisingly well, considering they’re made from siding […]

Aw, shingle!

My grandmother used to say “Aw, sugar!” in front of me, instead of swearing. Today I say “Aw, shingle!” because I seriously hurt myself with the glue gun earlier. I was gluing shingles on my puzzle house and got a huge glop of hot glue on the back of a shingle. I went to throw […]

Fairfield – fishscale shingles

On the suggestion of my friend Pam Junk, I decided to add fishscale shingles to make the house a little more interesting. (They’ll also cover up some defects in the less-than-perfect paint job…) Rather than use the Houseworks wooden shingles, which come as individual pieces, I am cutting strips from posterboard. These will be glued […]

Arthur – little leaves, and lots of shingles!

May 2015: I started the Arthur as part of a Greenleaf community build in 2005, and at the time we blogged our progress on the Greenleaf forum. After a few site upgrades the old community blog has become hard to link to and I’m redoing my website anyway, so I decided to move those posts […]

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