
Tag: Greenleaf Rosedale (Page 1 of 2)

Fixing broken things

Almost three years have passed since I packed up 17 dollhouses (yikes), ~20 bins of furniture and supplies, and more kits than I care to count and moved from one 1:1 scale house to another. Even though the move was only 25 miles, getting the houses packed up, transported, and unpacked was a huge effort […]

Half scale glass-top table with 3D printed chairs

I’m outfitting my Queen Anne Rowhouse with a lot of formal / traditional furniture, but the kitchen is decidedly modern. I bought a set of 3D printed Dog Bone Chairs from Pretty Small Things and wanted a glass-topped table to go with them. Unable to find anything like what I was picturing, I made my […]

Rosedale landscaping – the end!

The Rosedale’s landscaping is more or less complete, so here are pictures of the finished product! But first, a list of handy links to the earlier landscaping entries, that show how we got here: Making the Base | Laying the Patio | Adding Greenery | Finishing the Patio

Rosedale landscaping – finishing the patio

The final stage of landscaping the Rosedale involved finishing the patio and adding a fence. The patio is made from “slate” (actually, plaster) flagstones. They’re textured with very slight color variation that seemed too dull to me, so I decided to spruce them up using the same technique I’ve used in the past with egg […]

Rosedale landscaping – adding greenery

With the patio glued down, it’s time to get some greenery into the Rosedale’s yard. The other two dollhouses I’ve landscaped, the Fairfield and the puzzle house, had very colorful gardens with lots of different kinds of plants. For the Rosedale, my mom and I decided on a more subtle look, mostly green with only […]

Rosedale landscaping – laying the patio

With the base finished, the next step in Rosedale landscaping was gluing down the patio. I don’t attach my houses to the base permanently, but I do glue down the landscaping elements, so I had to measure carefully and make sure the patio was properly centered. When I first pulled out these flagstones, I intended […]

Rosedale landscaping – making the base

This past weekend, my parents visited and I pulled out the Rosedale so we could landscape it together. (My mom is a gardener with a good sense of how to lay out a garden, and my dad’s a woodworker who’s good at things like building swiveling dollhouse bases. They helped me landscape the Fairfield a […]

Rosedale – finishing up interior trim

This is kind of a boring topic but I feel like I skipped over a step in documenting my final days on the Rosedale. Over the last month or so I got in all the windows and added some trim below the wallpaper borders that I think makes a big difference. So, here are those […]

L-shaped desk for Rosedale home office

When I built the Rosedale, I planned to make the smaller room on the first floor into a laundry room, but when I pulled out the house at the beginning of this year to do the finishing touches, I decided to turn it into a home office instead. I’d originally intended to have two bathrooms […]

Rosedale bathroom

I’ve been working on the Rosedale’s bathroom, starting with building a vanity out of basswood. I glued square pieces on the inside corners to support the corners. The stain is Minwax ebony. I got the idea to make this vanity from a leftover piece from rowhouse kitchen kit. This was supposed to be the front […]

Redoing the Rosedale kitchen

On HGTV they’re always saying that kitchens and bathrooms are where you should spend your renovation money for good resale value. And that’s where I’m focusing my efforts on the Rosedale right now… not for resale or anything, just because I sort of hate doing miniature bathrooms, and the kitchen has been in limbo for […]

Rosedale final trim

The Queen Anne Rowhouse is almost finished, and as usual when I get *almost* finished with a dollhouse, my thoughts are straying ahead to the next one. In December I lucked out on an Elizabeth Anne kit on eBay. I’m itching to start on it but am making myself wait until I put the finishing […]

Countertop quandary

Yesterday I painted the countertop for the Rosedale. I created green “granite” by smearing green, beige, white, and black paint around with a toothbrush. I really liked the end result… until I put it in the house. It just didn’t look like I’d envisioned it. The green was competing with the neutral colors in the […]

Rosedale cabinets and “stainless” appliances

Over the summer I bought a bunch of kitchen cabinet kits from Bonnie Lavish. The first set went into the Fairfield. (And they turned out pretty nice, if I do say so myself!) At the beginning of December I finally got around to starting on the Rosedale’s cabinets and appliances (also Bonnie’s kits), but I […]

Furniture and built-ins for the Rosedale

This weekend I assembled some furniture kits for the Rosedale. I’ve also been plugging away at the interior trim, but I’ll wait until it’s done to post pictures… it’s not very interesting progress. I started with the Mission style bed from Daisy House. (I happen to have this kit in 1:12 as well, but haven’t […]

Can’t leave well enough alone

Soon after posting the pictures of the Rosedale’s wallpaper borders, I realized the blue border downstairs clashes with the blue front door. Why didn’t I put them next to each other before gluing in the border? Ah, that would have been too easy… Since I’d used up the Brodnax designs, I found some nice samples […]

Rosedale interior trim

Since the Rosedale’s rooms have all sorts of wonky angles (some intentional and some a result of the bash) and since I really hate cutting crown molding, I decided to use wallpaper borders instead. I’m not entirely happy with the results. It was hard to get my hands into some of the tiny corners to […]

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