
Tag: Queen Anne Rowhouse (Page 1 of 3)

Rowhouse stair room finished

I actually did finish the Rowhouse stair room the same weekend I last posted about it, just didn’t get around to writing about it until today… Before I tackled the trim in the the stair room, I glued in the attic stairs and fixed the floor around the opening. My tasks were to cut new […]

Filling the shelves

Last summer I tackled the big project of re-wallpapering the stair room in the Queen Anne Rowhouse, but I never completely finished it. I realized that once the railing was glued in, I wouldn’t be able to remove the bookcases, which meant the shelves needed to be filled and the bookcases glued in before I […]

A canopy crib, and other little projects

About a month ago I learned that Dollhouses, Trains, and More will be closing, and I’m pretty depressed about it. I used to live five minutes away and went in there about once a week. Even after I moved, I’ve been making the trip every few months to buy strip wood and other supplies. Their […]

Rowhouse shingles

I started this blog post on March 16, 2013 — that’s when I started shingling the Queen Anne Rowhouse — and it’s been sitting as a draft for 2,004 days. But not anymore, because the roof is finished! I used hexagonal shingles that came with the Greenleaf Fairfield. I really liked them on the Fairfield […]

Cassidy Creations cottage bed bash

After putting all the furniture back in the Queen Anne Rowhouse, I decided to change some rooms. This is what I had planned for the upstairs bedroom. The hand-painted washstand and blanket chest are Bauder Pine. The rest of the furniture is a scratch built set that I bought off eBay, and not very nice. […]

Queen Anne Rowhouse all lit up

After one of the wires under my Queen Anne Rowhouse burned up, I decided I should clean up the rat’s nest of wires to prevent future damage. When I started electrifying the Rowhouse back in 2012, I was regretting that I connected the Fairfield’s lights under the floorboards, where I couldn’t easily access them if […]

Half scale fold-down attic stairs tutorial

When I took apart the Rowhouse’s stair rooms so I could fix the wallpaper, I made an executive decision not to put back the staircase between the second and third floors. It just blocked too much of the room. I thought about filling in the hole and having no staircase leading up to the third […]

Patching up the upstairs stair room

With the Rowhouse’s wallpaper and staircase fixed, I moved on to the upstairs room. I needed to patch the floor where the staircase had previously been, add railings so the little people don’t plunge to their deaths, and figure out how to handle the crown molding and baseboard around the Greyford bookcases I bought to […]

Fixing the Rowhouse staircase

With the new wallpaper in, here’s how the Rowhouse’s staircase looked when I slid it back into place. There was always a gap between the staircase and the wall, but I think it got worse as a result of the extra thickness added by the new wallpaper and the sanding I did on the top […]

Rowhouse stair sconce, and yet another electrical disaster

Fixing the Queen Anne Rowhouse’s wallpaper requires installing two new lights, which always has the potential to go horribly wrong. The Rowhouse is wired with tapewire, and all of the lights are attached with brads to the tape underneath the house. There are also two outlets plugged into the tapewire, in the two bedrooms. On […]

Re-wallpapering the stair rooms

The main reason I waited so long to fix the wallpaper in the Rowhouse’s stair rooms is that I didn’t want to destroy the lights. Since the wires run through to rooms that are already finished, there would be no way to replace them. I finally jumped in on the rehab when I came up […]

Stained glass windows

My first experience using Gallery Glass was in the Oak Shadow roombox, in a Guys from Texas class a million years ago. This was a 1:12, Craftsman style window with a very simple design, and we used silver tape to create the lead lines. I never got around to creating a gallery for this roombox, […]

Flea market find: House of Hidden Treasures

In August I went to a miniature flea market, which is always dangerous for my wallet. I got some great half scale things I’ve been meaning to blog about, the first being a House of Hidden Treasures kit by American Craft that I bought for $15. This kit is similar to the Queen Anne Rowhouse […]

A tale of two showers

I completed not one, but two half scale shower surrounds today — one for the Victorianna and one for the long-dormant Queen Anne Rowhouse. (Besides shingles, the bathroom is the last big thing I need to finish in the Rowhouse…) For reference, here’s what I started with in the Victorianna: And in the Rowhouse: I […]

Rowhouse bedroom furniture (part two)

I recently built the Gothic dresser and nightstand from SDK Miniatures to go in the bedroom of my Queen Anne Rowhouse, with the bed I scratch built. I bought SDK’s Gothic wardrobe too but it turned out to be too big for the room, so instead I put together a Cassidy Creations armoire. I also […]

Rowhouse bedroom furniture (part one)

Last week I added email alerts to the blog, and they appear to be working! If you want to receive an email when this blog is updated, please sign up in the sidebar. I recently scratch built a Victorian bed for my half scale Queen Anne Rowhouse. To finish it off, I cross-stitched the Sara […]

Half scale Victorian bed how-to

I recently bought a Victorian bedroom set for my half scale Queen Anne Rowhouse. I really liked how the ornate bed looked with the damask wallpaper and wood trim in the room, but the only good place to put the bed is up against the window, which then gets blocked by the tall headboard. I […]

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