
Tag: Craftsman bungalow vignette

Craftsman bungalow vignette – finishing the porch

Back in June, I started the porch on the Craftsman bungalow vignette. Then I realized I should finish the interior windows and paneling before attaching the porch, while I could still easily put the vignette face-down on the table. Here’s where I left off. I positioned the porch so there would be the same amount […]

Firescreen mystery solved!

I guess I didn’t do good job of sleuthing before my last post, because the firescreen mystery has already been solved thanks to a few reader tips and Google. Here’s one in the background of a photo of a Ginger Wyatt vase from eBay (from Pinterest): Interesting coincidence, but it doesn’t prove that Ginger Wyatt […]

The mysterious firescreen

Just now I was clicking through old Ron Rhodes auctions on Live Auctioneers, because why not, and I came across this familiar-looking firescreen… If you read my post about creating a stained glass cabinet for the Craftsman bungalow vignette, it’ll look familiar to you too! The title of this lot was Kummerow & Wyatt Dollhouse […]

Craftsman bungalow – starting the porch

The Craftsman bungalow vignette came with a 7″ x 3″ x 3/4″ block of wood to use as the porch. It also came with precut railing pieces, which I lay between the posts to see how they’re supposed to be spaced. Centering the porch on the door would look like this. This kit is a […]

Craftsman bungalow window trim

The windows and door I’m using for my 1:24 scale Craftsman bungalow vignette are Real Good Toys components that I bought off eBay. I’ve never seen these available for sale individually, but they match the components in the (now discontinued) East Side Townhouse as well as the Queen Anne (which is only available in 1:12 […]

Craftsman bungalow porch roof

Moving right along on the Craftsman bungalow, the triangular front of the porch roof doesn’t fit snugly under the roof pieces. I could resolve this by adjusting the left side of the roof (which isn’t glued in yet) to meet the angle of the triangle, but then the roof pieces wouldn’t meet up at the […]

Craftsman bungalow vignette — roof & shingles

Last week I posted about wallpaper and wainscot in the Craftsman bungalow. I’ve been working on the roof and shingles in parallel. The last thing I did before putting the bungalow aside for a year was to glue on the roof. At the time, it looked like this. And this is what I’m working toward. […]

Craftsman bungalow floor

One of the first steps in Debbie Young’s bungalow vignette instructions is to complete the flooring before gluing the house together. Initially I ignored that, because I’m used to adding flooring once the house is assembled. But then I dry fit the pieces and discovered there’s a gap below the bottom of the door. I […]

Craftsman bungalow vignette in 1:24 scale

For the past few months I have been working on a bookcase for my office. I bought three of these unfinished bookcases and stained them with Minwax Aged Oak gel stain. This took a lot longer than staining dollhouse furniture! I dragged it out over a month and a half, doing a few pieces each […]

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