While I was (secretly) working on the dog roombox to give to Geoff for Christmas, the weather got cold and he got the platform down out of the garage so Daisy can lie by the fire. She likes splooting on it… …but she likes staring into the fireplace even more. With the false ceiling and […]
Tag: Rosy (Page 1 of 2)
When I bought the shadow box from PinkSeagullDesigns, I had an option to get it painted or unpainted. The painted ones looked nice and I would have liked to save myself some time, but none of the colors offered were quite what I had in mind, so I got the unpainted one. I unscrewed the […]
When I ordered my miniature dogs from Lucy Francis, I sent her reference photos and measurements for Daisy (as best I was able to get them on a wiggly puppy, without Geoff’s help) and some I had for Rosy from when my sister knit her a sweater years ago. The dogs’ sizes came out good […]
Squeezing in one last post for 2024! The blog has been neglected lately because I have been hard at work on a secret project. I surprised Geoff with this roombox for Christmas. I’ve been wanting to make this vignette since our sweet girl Rosy died last year at the age of fifteen. Not long after […]
So, I moved. From start to finish, it happened pretty fast, but it didn’t feel that way when we were carting carloads of stuff from the old house to the new house — including 20+ dollhouses! Here’s Rosy, a bit out of sorts, sharing the back seat of my car with several dollhouses during the […]
Gorgeous weather today, and Rosy was very happy to lie in the dirt while I worked on the Victorianna. Having assembled the towers, I moved on to the small peaked roof. Normally the Victorianna’s top floor has two triangular sections, with the roof dipping down to floor level in between them. I added a piece […]
This year for Halloween, Rosy is a friendly monster. The eyes and horns are supposed to go up over her head like a hood but she isn’t having any of that. So, she’s a two-headed monster. This will be our first year not attending the Marin Humane Society’s Halloween party (in fact, I’m not sure […]
Rosy opening a Christmas present, the only way she knows how…
Paying homage to her early days at San Quentin, Rosy dressed up as a jailbird — err, jail-greyhuahua — this year for Halloween. Posing for her mug shot at the Humane Society’s annual Howl-o-ween party. She ain’t afraid of no ghosts. This was Rosy’s fifth year attending the party, and “bobbing for bones” remains the […]
It’s been a while since I posted a too long, questionably entertaining video of my dog doing something inane. Without further ado, I present: ROSY EATS A CHERRY TOMATO!! (The tomato was ripe. It’s a “green grape” variety.) Music credit: “Run Amok” by Kevin MacLeod (incometech.com).
Geoff’s mom sent him a MxyKikker wind-up bug for Christmas — and specifically said “this is not a toy for Rosy.” Of course, anything that moves becomes a dog toy in this house. Looks like the bug won this round…
WARNING: My last post about Rosy’s tongue was kind of cute. Today’s is kind of gross. Just putting that out there. So on November 4, I took Rosy to the vet for her annual check-up. While there, she panicked (as she usually does) and started panting heavily, which led the vet to notice some cuts […]
Last week Rosy went to the vet for her annual check-up. As usual, she had a mild panic attack at the vet’s office, which resulted in heavy panting, and because her mouth was wide open the vet noticed a couple of cuts that suggested she’d bitten her tongue at some point. The doctor asked me […]
Rosy’s Grammy sent a chick toy for Easter. It has metal contacts on the bottom and when you touch both contacts with your finger — or, say, your tongue — it chirps. Not an actual dog toy, but those are always the most fun. Initially, she was somewhat suspicious. But in time she realized that […]
This happens several times a day, every day. Awesome.
Rosy’s Grammy pointed out that it’s been a long time since Rosy made an appearance on the blog. That’s because 1) I figure no one else *really* finds her quite as cute and infinitely amusing as I do, and 2) I’ve been a lazy bum. But today we’re rectifying that with an epic (albeit grainy) […]
According to Time Magazine, Americans spent an estimated $370 million on pet costumes this Halloween. I am part of the problem. Note to self: flat hats and round heads don’t mix. Like last year’s pumpkin, the costume came from Old Navy. It’s a size small with a few modifications to the velcro and the hat. […]
A brief video taken on graduation day of Small Dogs Wanna Have Fun, a 6-week class Rosy recently attended at the Marin Humane Society. (Warning: I suggest muting the sound. My “you can do it!” voice is embarrassingly squeaky.) This class, which we also took about a year ago, is basically an excuse for a […]
Rosy: “What am I, Mr. Duck? Will we ever really know?”Duck: “Not bloody likely, kid.” For Christmas, Rosy bought me and Geoff a Wisdom Panel Insights DNA test… using my credit card. It cost $65 and involved swabbing her cheek to get a sample (she loved that part), sending the sample off to a lab, […]
I mainly made this video for Rosy’s grandparents, but after spending an hour getting the music* to sync up I felt like it deserved a wider audience. Hey, we’ll let her think she’s a star. At last year’s Halloween party, the treats floated in the bowl. This year, not so much. The amazing thing is […]