
Tag: Bauder-Pine

Recent half scale finds

Today’s post is a mishmash. In the past few weeks I’ve made a few great purchases and I want to show them off. First up, we have the Sugar and Tea canisters that match Momma’s Kitchen! I’m so excited to have found these. I got an email from Diane Siegler, who reads my blog, saying […]

Bauder-Pine pickle crock, and other crockery

Last week I was browsing the Miniature Designs website and happened upon this Bauder-Pine pickle crock. Of course, I had to have it for my Mansard Victorian. Shipping was steep for such a tiny thing, so I threw some wallpaper and strip wood in the cart to qualify for free shipping. I reached out to […]

A new Bauder-Pine bed

This week I stumbled upon a Bauder-Pine bed for $17 plus free shipping. Of course I bought it. It’s signed J McC — Jayne McCormick. Since I already have a Bauder-Pine bed for the Mansard Victorian’s downstairs bedroom, I’ll use this one in the attic bedroom. The light green bedding would have gone nicely with […]

More Cassidy Creations cupboard bashing

Before I get back to the bashed cabinets, here are a few other pieces that will go in the Mansard Victorian’s kitchen. I bought this metal Cassidy Creations sink for a few dollars at a mini flea market. It had already been painted with glossy white paint. The sink has two legs in the front […]

The Shop by Bauder-Pine

Last month, this cute half scale dollhouse showed up on eBay. The description attributed the house to Robert Bernhard of Dolphin Miniatures. Curious about it, I reached out to Cathy Miller-Vaughan, the current owner of Bauder-Pine. She started working for Pat Bauder in the nineties, and she knows the names of a lot of people […]

Petite Properties cupboard stairs

The Mansard Victorian shell didn’t come with a hole for stairs. I’m not opposed to leaving the stairs out of a dollhouse, but for this one I decided to add a false staircase. I might have gotten the idea from the Bauder Pine Colonial, which has a hidden staircase that runs up behind the fireplace. […]

Mansard Victorian — bulking up the house

Okay, that’s a weird title, but I couldn’t come up with a better way to describe what I’ve been doing to the Mansard Victorian for the past month or so. This all started because I wanted to add an addition to the side of the house. The addition is a long-discontinued Houseworks 1:12 scale bay […]

A brief history of Bauder-Pine (and a new dollhouse!)

Warning: long post incoming! I recently bought this 1:24 scale Bauder-Pine shell off eBay. I think this house was simply known as the Victorian, but I’m dubbing it the Mansard Victorian. I’d seen this house once before when someone posted about it on the Greenleaf forum. The side additions are not attached, and I’m going […]

Attic trunk roombox by Bauder Pine

It turns out my new house has A LOT of fruit trees. For the past five weeks I have been dealing with a huge harvest of plums and peaches. I’ve made 30+ jars of jam! But it’s dying down now, so I can finally start to break in my new workshop. The new workshop doesn’t […]

Things I found while packing

So, I moved. From start to finish, it happened pretty fast, but it didn’t feel that way when we were carting carloads of stuff from the old house to the new house — including 20+ dollhouses! Here’s Rosy, a bit out of sorts, sharing the back seat of my car with several dollhouses during the […]

Cassidy Creations cottage bed bash

After putting all the furniture back in the Queen Anne Rowhouse, I decided to change some rooms. This is what I had planned for the upstairs bedroom. The hand-painted washstand and blanket chest are Bauder Pine. The rest of the furniture is a scratch built set that I bought off eBay, and not very nice. […]

Bill Lankford cottages in 1:24 scale

These are two half scale Bill Lankford cottages I bought separately off eBay. The one on the left is officially called “A Place for All Seasons” because it came with two bases, summer and winter, that could be swapped out. (Mine only came with the summer base.) The one on the right is fully enclosed […]

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