My Mansard Victorian didn’t come with any door holes in the walls. Since it’s a front-opening house, I decided to add false walls with doors along the back wall, to give the illusion that there’s a hallway there. The false wall gives me an opportunity to add a built-in linen closet to the bathroom. I […]
Tag: Closet
Remember just last week when I said I wasn’t going to start on any big projects until I finished the Rowhouse shingles? I’m going back on my word. I want to get the roof on the Victorianna and to do that I need to finish the three rooms on the third floor. The nursery and […]
Continuing with the linen closet that only exists because I cut a piece of wallpaper badly: I painted the door and the closet Tuscan Beige, the trim color I’m using throughout the house. It looks white when there’s nothing white near it, but here you can see how different it is from the bright white […]
The Victorianna’s master bathroom is 7.5″ deep, which gives me a nice long wall for the vanity. Even with the tub in place at the front corner I have 5″ to play with. I’m not used to such big bathrooms in dollhouses! (Or real life, for that matter.) I had been planning to bash a […]
My obsession with dollhouse closets has intensified as I’ve started working on the Victorianna’s third floor. The slanted ceilings create weird little spaces no good for furniture but perfect for closets. For a long time I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a small closet next to the tower room. I bought these out-of-production […]
With the clothes neatly put away in the closet, it’s time to finish the second girl’s room, starting with finishing the closet. I bought these 1:24 plastic crates from Shapeways and painted them pretty colors. I thought about putting something in them, but once they’re in place you can’t really tell they’re empty, so I […]
Want to make your own clothes with hangers? Scroll to the bottom of the post for a tutorial! I have always loved the idea of closets in dollhouses. Usually mini closets are bump-outs, like the Timberbrook closet kit I used way back when in my Orchid. But adding the laundry closet to the Victorianna’s bathroom […]
I just put together the second half of the Victorianna and have to do something with myself while the glue dries, so here are pictures I never posted of the practically finished bathroom. The tub, toilet, and laundry basket are 3D printed pieces from Shapeways. I scratch built the linen closet, vanity, and plantation-style louvered […]
Continuing with the Victorianna bathroom: I made a false wall to enclose the tub, so it can be a tub/shower combo. I glued some basswood scraps together to make it the right width. My initial thought had been to add a second layer of basswood with a recessed shelf for shampoo etc, but I realized […]
Because the Victorianna is fairly deep, I’m adding a closet to the bathroom so the room won’t be quite so massive. A couple of months ago I made a set of louvered closet doors using a 1:24 French door and a pair of 1:12 shutters. I’m getting close to gluing in the third floor and […]
I’m still working on parts of the Victorianna that will be inaccessible once the back goes on. This week’s project: the fireplace and the wall that encloses it. I love closets in dollhouses and wanted to create one under the stairs, but it would be nearly impossible to access once the house is put together. […]
I’ve been messing around with my Victorianna dry fit to figure out where holes need to be cut before I start gluing anything. While doing this I discovered that the Victorianna is twice as deep as its 1:12 cousin, the McKinley. (Actually, it’s roughly the same depth, but since the Victorianna is half scale, the […]
I knew all along that getting stairs into the Queen Anne rowhouse would be a challenge. The stair holes were positioned in a place that wouldn’t fit a regular straight staircase. The original kit may have come with stairs that turned a corner, and apparently Houseworks used to sell stairs like these because I’ve seen […]
Back in April, after I built a pantry for the Fairfield, I mini-splurged on half scale jars of Skippy peanut butter and Welch’s grape jelly. I usually don’t buy foodstuffs because with a scanner and a color printer, they’re easy to make, but these came in cute little jars, and I was excited about the […]
It has always bugged me that dollhouse bedrooms tend not to have closets. In a real house, you can’t call it a bedroom if it *doesn’t* have a closet, but if you want them in a dollhouse, you usually have to make them yourself. Luckily, they’re pretty easy to make. In my first dollhouse, I […]
I’ve been working my way through the Fairfield’s rooms, trying to get the interior finished so I can put the house on display. My most recent accomplishment is completing the trim, flooring, and some finishing touches in the kitchen. I’ve always had a vision in my head of how I’d finish the pantry, and finally […]
I finally put the house and conservatory together to see how they’d look. I’m pretty happy! Sure, they’re two completely different styles, but this is the case for a lot of older houses that get additions… right? (Humor me!) Turns out the conservatory barely clears the overhang of the house roof. I’m painting the outside […]