
Category: Games (Page 1 of 4)

Dopefish cross stitch (plus free chart)

I don’t sit around all day and play with dollhouses (as much as I would like to). By day I’m a PR/marketing consultant in the video game industry, as well as a freelance copyeditor and writer. (Side note: I don’t copyedit my own blog entries! Please don’t take anything you see on this blog as […]

Thimbleweed Park cross stitch

Update: This project was so much fun I decided to do more! I’m stitching Thimbleweed Park’s cast on an afghan and hope to post a chart for each character. Get them here! I rarely post about my day job on the blog, but I do contract PR for video games, and I have been working […]

Gone Home review at Adventure Gamers

A few months ago I wrote about my early impressions of Gone Home, a game about a teenage girl set in the mid-90s, when I was a teenage girl. That game is now out, and my 4.5-star review has been posted on Adventure Gamers. The short version: this is an incredible work of interactive storytelling, […]

Space Quest behind-the-scenes feature in GamesTM issue 135

For the past few years I’ve been chipping away at the Sierra adventure game series for the retro section of UK magazine Games™, and the tradition continues in issue 135 with Space Quest. On newsstands now! The original Guys from Andromeda, Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy (pictured here on vacation in Yosemite), along with “new […]

Designing Journey article at Adventure Gamers

Though my blogs have focused mostly on little things lately, behind-the-scenes writing continues. I spent last week at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, and Adventure Gamers has just posted Designing Journey, the first of several GDC articles to come. I also wrote a feature about Telltale for issue 134 of Games™, on sale […]

Chaos on Deponia review at Adventure Gamers

Yesterday Adventure Gamers posted my review of Chaos on Deponia. This is the second game in a series of three. (I reviewed the first one a few months ago.) This is a Monkey Island-style comedy game and it’s stylistically very “old school,” with all those ridiculous types of inventory puzzles we used to love back […]

Want to be a hero? Show the Coles some love…

Lori and Corey Cole, the creators of Quest for Glory, have a Kickstarter going to raise money for a new Quest for Glory-like game named Hero-U. For those non Sierra geeks among my readers, Quest for Glory was an RPG/adventure game hybrid that had five installments in the 1990s, and there’s really been nothing like […]

Ron Gilbert Emerges in issue 125 of GamesTM

When I visited Double Fine’s office to take a look at Ron Gilbert’s upcoming game The Cave, he and I spent about an hour talking not just about the new game but also about adventure games in general, and where they’re going, and where they came from. It was too good a conversation to keep […]

Retail game manufacturing, exposed!

Sam & Max on the assembly line The article that originally appeared in 1UP’s print on demand magazine is now online for your digital reading enjoyment. Did you get a game under your Christmas tree? Now you can learn all about how that precious package was made, why it’s significantly smaller than the game you […]

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