While I was (secretly) working on the dog roombox to give to Geoff for Christmas, the weather got cold and he got the platform down out of the garage so Daisy can lie by the fire. She likes splooting on it… …but she likes staring into the fireplace even more. With the false ceiling and […]
Tag: Dog Vignette
When I bought the shadow box from PinkSeagullDesigns, I had an option to get it painted or unpainted. The painted ones looked nice and I would have liked to save myself some time, but none of the colors offered were quite what I had in mind, so I got the unpainted one. I unscrewed the […]
When I ordered my miniature dogs from Lucy Francis, I sent her reference photos and measurements for Daisy (as best I was able to get them on a wiggly puppy, without Geoff’s help) and some I had for Rosy from when my sister knit her a sweater years ago. The dogs’ sizes came out good […]
Squeezing in one last post for 2024! The blog has been neglected lately because I have been hard at work on a secret project. I surprised Geoff with this roombox for Christmas. I’ve been wanting to make this vignette since our sweet girl Rosy died last year at the age of fifteen. Not long after […]