
Category: Thoughts (Page 5 of 5)

Nature continues to be gross (yet fascinating)

While doing an oil change on my car this afternoon, Geoff discovered that a critter had taken up residence under the hood and gnawed through an ignition wire. (Not sure what you’re looking at? Click here for an establishing shot.) Note the little string nest behind the wires. Apparently some sort of rodent was in […]

Is there a support group for this?

A sampling of my closet collection. SimCity 2000 is one of the few boxes from my childhood that I didn’t throw away; the rest were picked up at thrift stores. Old game boxes. Oh, how I love them. The hand-painted artwork on the outside, the manuals and trinkets and registration cards inside, the bigness and […]

Final harvest (a pickling adventure)

Yesterday I decided it was finally time to put my faithful tomato plants out of their misery. I’m frankly surprised they lived this long, but I guess that’s a benefit of living in California. (It doesn’t balance out the crappy 9.5% sales tax, but what can you do?) The past two months of their lives, […]

To the lighthouse…

Yesterday Geoff and I went to Point Reyes and saw the lighthouse there, because randomly taking a day trip to experience the local touristy fauna is the sort of thing you can do when you don’t have a regular nine-to-five job. There are 308 steps leading down to the lighthouse. Walking down was not a […]

Nature is gross

The Sunday before Halloween, Geoff and I carved a pumpkin. I haven’t carved a pumpkin in about ten years. We carved a basic Jack-o-Lantern face, with gap teeth and turned down eyebrows. I didn’t want the deer that roam the neighborhood to mess it up so I kept it inside until Saturday morning, when I […]

What did we do without the internet?

I vaguely remember this commercial from my childhood, I think it was for the Yellow Pages. It showed a car driving down the road, with disco music playing in the background, and talked about how you’re on your way to get a funky refrigerator for your funky new apartment, and it’s only available at some […]

Plants large and small

As previously mentioned, it took a good three months for my pepper plants to bear fruit. Two months later, they’re finally turning the bright colors you see at the grocery store. The red serrano peppers are pleasantly spicy. The orange habaneros are a little… less pleasant. So now the race begins… how many hot pepper […]

Is it Thanksgiving already?

This gang of wild turkeys was loitering in our driveway when Geoff got home from work the other day. They’d wandered into the neighbor’s yard by the time we grabbed the camera. Anybody have a shotgun?* * Joke. I am a vegetarian after all.

Seattle spuds

Spotted in the window at Barney’s in downtown Seattle: Sorry for the quality. I blame my cell phone. I don’t get it. What does Mr. Potato Head have to do with upscale clothing? And why must there be SO MANY of him?! Think of all the starving children who could be eating playing with those […]

Sierra letter the third

Found on an even older floppy disk… May 14, 1994 Dear Sierra, I have a question. When is Police Quest 4 going to be out for the Mac? I’ve been waiting since January, and finally last week I saw it advertised in the Mac Warehouse catalogue. When I called them to order it, they said […]

It’s okay Sierra, I still love you

The infamous City Hall showdown. Yes, this is what I was so upset about. Oops. Yesterday when I posted that customer service letter I wrote to Sierra, I misremembered the outcome. Today I managed to view the rest of my old Mac floppy disks using the free trial of Macdrive. (My clunker PC is old […]

Customer service revisited (retro style!)

I spent most of the evening trying to find some things I thought I had and apparently have lost. The main thing I was looking for were my literary magazines from high school. I just wanted to flip through them for a little nostalgia, and was disturbed to realize they weren’t in the drawer I […]


These are serrano peppers. I have a habanero plant in the same pot and found a few small pepper buds on that as well. Just yesterday, Geoff commented that the pepper plant looked like it was wilting. I had noticed the same thing. The white flowers were turning brown and dropping off, the branches seemed […]

My big backyard

All sorts of critters turning up in the yard these days… The little lizard came scurrying out from under a pot this morning while I was watering the tomatoes. The deer was hanging out in our neighbor’s yard last week with a few friends. We have a fence that keeps them out, but they do […]

Getting something down

My writing books. Most with unbroken spines. Having recently left my job to pursue writing “for real,” I’m finding myself with an unprecedented amount of free time. Seriously, the last time I had more than ten days off in a row was in 2001, when I was laid off over the summer (and I spent […]

Oh, customer service…

I had an unexpectedly pleasant experience at Safeway a couple of weeks ago. I was buying falafel mix and decided to buy it in bulk rather than in a box because the per-pound cost came out a little cheaper. When I got to the register, the falafel rang up at a higher per-pound price than […]


When my parents visited in April, my mom set me up with a little victory garden: cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, basil, parsley, cilantro, and dill. Three months later, the herbs have gone to seed and the peppers are only producing flowers, but the tomatoes are growing out of control! I’m snacking on these beauties constantly. […]


Figuring out how to use WordPress feels kind of like figuring out how to use Geocities felt back in 1996. And considering my html skills are still of the Geocities era, this may not bode well for the future…

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