
Tag: Thatched Cottage

Half scale Dutch door

Both of my Bill Lankford cottages came with plastic Grandt Line doors installed. I want these to be old country cottages and the those doors seemed too modern, so I removed them intending to make my own rustic doors. Browsing Etsy recently I came across these plank doors from Bauder Pine, and $1.99 is an […]

Miniature wishing well tutorial

A while ago I had my eye on this resin wishing well from Miniatures.com. At $28 it’s pretty pricey, but I thought it wouldn’t be too hard to make something like that and tucked the idea away. Now that I’m working on the Thatched Cottage, I decided to give it a try. Read on for […]

Thatched Cottage hardwoods and fireplace

With the Thatched Cottage’s walls painted I moved on to the floors, using the same thin wood veneer I’d used in the Victorianna (but a different color). I started by staining the subfloor so any spots that showed through wouldn’t look like raw wood. I hadn’t done a particularly good job keeping wood filler and […]

Bill Lankford cottages – adding wood filler texture

I don’t know what materials were originally used to create the texture on the outside of the Bill Lankford cottages. Possibly spackling compound. In the past I’ve used watered-down wood filler for a stucco effect (Rosedale, Artist’s Cottage) and since I’m more experienced with that than spackle, I decided to do something similar to add […]

Bill Lankford cottages in 1:24 scale

These are two half scale Bill Lankford cottages I bought separately off eBay. The one on the left is officially called “A Place for All Seasons” because it came with two bases, summer and winter, that could be swapped out. (Mine only came with the summer base.) The one on the right is fully enclosed […]

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