
Tag: Kitchen (Page 2 of 3)

Upper cabinets, stove hood, and a new sink

Tragedy struck my $1 Horace Jones sink. I’d left it in the countertop (not glued in) and I picked up the cabinet and tipped it slightly to look at something and the sink fell out and hit the floor. Before this happened, I’d actually thought to myself that I shouldn’t leave the sink in the […]

Mini Etchers microwave and more cabinets

Continuing with the Victorianna’s kitchen cabinets: I wanted the upper cabinet on the right of the fridge to include a shelf for the microwave. This required buying or making a microwave before I could make the cabinets on that side, so I’d know how wide that cabinet needed to be. Mini Etchers makes a microwave […]

Lower cabinets continued

The Victorianna’s kitchen sink will be centered under the window. After building the cabinet, I next needed to figure out how the window lined up with it. The window isn’t glued in yet. I held the cabinet up to the window hole and marked the edges of the window on the back side. Then I […]

Half scale kitchen mishmash

Donna Golden (jbresr on the Greenleaf forum) recently posted that she was looking for furniture to fill up half scale houses she’s donating for the holidays, and I sent her a few Town Square Miniatures sets that didn’t think I’d ever use. Most of this I’d gotten for free off Freecyle, plus there was a […]

Late additions to the Christmas Breadbox

I didn’t get these done in time for Christmas, but I cross stitched three designs from Prairie Schooler’s Folk Art Christmas to go in my breadbox roombox. Here are the stitched designs. They’re stitched over-one on 36 count linen, for finished sizes of approx. 1-5/16 by 1-7/8. I started with the horizontal one, planning to […]

Spanish Revival cottage kitchen

Sometime between when I bought the gatorboard house and now, tiny houses have become a thing. After seeing some episodes of Tiny House Nation and Tiny House Hunters I decided that the Spanish Revival artist’s cottage qualifies as a tiny house. With the addition I’m planning to add it’s something like 460 square feet, so […]

Breadbox redux — finishing the lid

After my first post about the breadbox roombox I kinda stopped talking about the broken lid. Surely all of my readers are dying to know what happened to it, so here you go! When we last saw the roombox lid, it was sitting snugly in a gluing jig. The corners weren’t quite right and Geoff […]

Christmas breadbox – finishing touches

Two days until Christmas! Gotta get this roombox finished, or it’ll be embarrassing. :o With the wallpaper and cabinets finished, I glued in the baseboards and crown molding. This hanging basket is another Hallmark ornament. I had one of these already but had removed the bottom basket to make it more in scale. Since the […]

Christmas breadbox – floor & walls

The ink cartridge I was waiting for finally came in the mail, so I was able to move forward on the breadbox interior. The first step was staining the floor. This is a Houseworks flooring sheets that I got in a Freecycle haul this summer. I stained it with Minwax English Oak. When the stain […]

Christmas breadbox progress

Momentum on the Christmas breadbox hasn’t been quite as swift as I’d hoped… first I was waiting for a Miniatures.com order to arrive, and now am waiting for a new ink cartridge for the color printer. (Way cheaper to buy it online than locally, but no instant gratification!) At least I managed to make a […]

Christmas kitchen in a breadbox

For years, I’ve been holding on to these Hallmark ornaments without anywhere to put them. They’re about 1:12 scale but look way too small when you put them with 1:12 cabinets (especially the fridge). And I love the detail, but didn’t necessarily want Christmas stuff in one of my dollhouses year round. Then there’s the […]

Half scale kitchen canisters tutorial

For the second year in a row I participated in the Half Scale Yahoo Group swap. Last year the theme was “treasures in the attic” and I made record albums. This year the voting was very close between “shabby chic” and “kitchens” and since I have several kitchens that need to be filled up, that […]

Redoing the Rosedale kitchen

On HGTV they’re always saying that kitchens and bathrooms are where you should spend your renovation money for good resale value. And that’s where I’m focusing my efforts on the Rosedale right now… not for resale or anything, just because I sort of hate doing miniature bathrooms, and the kitchen has been in limbo for […]

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