
Category: Games (Page 2 of 4)

“Paper and Discs” in 1UP Presents issue 3

Today I received my copy of 1UP Presents issue 3, a beautiful print-on-demand magazine put together as a labor of love by Matt Leone and others at 1UP. It’s also, sadly, the last issue they’re planning to do. I can sort of understand that because “print is dead” (yadda yadda) and because, by its very […]

Police Quest behind the scenes in GamesTM 115

Continuing my grand tradition of pimping Sierra games in GamesTM, this month I’ve written a behind the scenes article about Jim Walls’ Police Quest. The issue number is 115, and it should be on newsstands in the UK right now (probably also some US stores, but with Borders out of business I can’t confirm this). […]

Get Lamp feature at Adventure Gamers

What do the words “documentary” and “text adventure” have in common? Before you say “They’re both boring,” check out my impressions of Get Lamp over at Adventure Gamers. It’s actually a very entertaining film if you’re a fan of the adventure game genre. (And let’s face it, if you’re reading this blog, there’s a 50% […]

Mario and Luigi, I’ll always love you

Why is it that people dressed up like the Super Mario Brothers are so damn entertaining?* The dance is great, with all the authentic Mario Bros. touches—even in spite of the technical difficulties midway through—but the audience reaction makes it even better. For some reason, seeing how excited other people got about Mario and Luigi […]

Christmas in July (Santa brought me retro games!)

Recently I stumbled across a Craigslist ad posted by someone giving away a bunch of old computer games. (Okay, I “stumbled across” it by typing “King’s Quest” into Craigslist’s search bar. I do this with alarming frequency. But I usually don’t find anything!) I picked them up today. Sadly no boxes, but I still scored […]

Adventure games on the iPhone (they do exist!)

About a year ago I jumped on the iOS bandwagon with an iPod Touch. I was immediately struck by how difficult the App Store is to navigate. You really have to know what you’re looking for—or to put your blind faith in the best-selling rankings that display more popular games higher up on the list. […]

MacGuffin’s Curse preview at Adventure Gamers

At GDC I got to chat with Andrew Goulding and Ben Kosmina of Brawsome about the Australian studio’s second endeavor, MacGuffin’s Curse. It’s less of a traditional adventure than last year’s Jolly Rover but still looks to be a lot of fun. Think Professor Layton, but with Legend of Zelda style puzzles. Better yet, go […]

Putty Squad Behind the Scenes in GamesTM 107

Hot on the heels of last month’s Gabriel Knight feature, I have another article in the latest issue of GamesTM. This one is a behind-the-scenes look at Putty Squad, an Amiga platformer that was almost released in 1994, then shelved at the last minute—but not before a whole bunch of Amiga magazines got their hands […]

Red Johnson’s Chronicles previewed at Adventure Gamers

The first of my GDC previews has been posted at Adventure Gamers. Red Johnson’s Chronicles is a crime game from Lexis Numérique, the French studio previously known for some odd adventures including Missing: Since January and The Experiment. The gameplay in Red Johnson’s Chronicles is a lot more traditional than in those two games, and […]

Edna & Harvey: The Breakout review

Adventure Gamers has posted my review of Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, an quirky little game from German developer Daedalic. Actually, there’s nothing “little” about it… this is a long game with a ton of gratuitous interactivity crammed into it. But it’s a cartoon with a wacky art style, and you play a mental patient […]

Hands-on preview of Telltale’s Jurassic Park

Man vs. beast. Who do you think will win? Last week I had the chance to play part of Telltale’s upcoming Jurassic Park game. Check out my hands-on impressions at Adventure Gamers. I’m really not a Jurassic Park fan—I only saw the first movie, once, back when it was in theaters—but I’m loving the departure […]

Eye on iPhone, volume 2

The second installment of Eye on iPhone is now up at Adventure Gamers. This time around I looked at several “oldies” (the recent Broken Sword rereleases, Riven, and Colossal Cave Adventure) plus and a short-but-sweet new puzzle game named The Secret of Grisly Manor. Colossal Cave Adventure was the first adventure game ever, and I’d […]

King’s Quest III “redux” coming in February

This announcement excites me on so many levels. AGD Interactive put out remakes of the first two King’s Quest games in the early 2000s, right around when I was getting back into adventure games after checking out during my college years, during which time the genre up and “died.” I loved that there were fans […]

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